• Have your say

Have your say

Information on this site was available for comment from Monday 31st January until Friday 11th February 2022.

Our consultation has now closed and all feedback will be addressed in a public consultation report, which will accompany the planning application.

A further opportunity to make representations to the Council will be available when the planning application is formally submitted for consideration.


Community Q&A

On Tuesday 1st and Thursday 3rd February 2022, CALA held a community question and answer session. This gave residents an opportunity to put questions to our project team and the full set of answers are below.

What is the bigger picture for this development?
The land shown, as detailed, in the draft planning layout is the only land in CALA ownership and is the subject to the emerging planning application.

When will we see a combined CALA and Police Masterplan for the area?
A draft Masterplan has been prepared and will be finalised in agreement with Warwick District Council. Please see the draft Masterplan on our website.

Why has 61 spaces allocated for houses on the Paddock and the Tennis Court combined in the Local Plan now become 85?
As part of the work done to support the housing allocation of the Police HQ site in the Warwick District Local Plan, some general capacity work was done to indicate housing potential for the whole police HQ site. However, the Local Plan allocation does not specify specific housing numbers across parts of the site. Any planning application for residential development on the site will be assessed against Council’s planning polices, in terms of it proposed layout, design and housing mix arrangement.

What do you mean by ‘40% affordable housing’?
40% of the new homes provided on the site will be affordable homes – giving those that need it, access to low-cost properties. The provision will be a mix of shared ownership homes and affordable rented homes. These will be managed by a Registered Affordable Housing provider, in accordance with Council’s affordable housing policy.

Can you tell us more about ‘the provision of infrastructure, including open space’?
The provision of open space is being considered. The plan does show pockets of open space for the use of proposed residents which also respect the existing high value tree assets which are going to be retained. Sports Pitches and Play Areas are currently being discussed with the local authority and, if not provided on site, we expect to make financial contributions for the upkeep and improvement of the existing community facilities.

What are proposed routes to school for new families?
As part of the work for the planning application, a pedestrian route audit is being carried out to identify existing and potential pedestrian routes to and from the site. This work will inform any off-site contributions which may be sought by the Council, through a s106 legal agreement for the development.

How many car parking spaces are allocated on the proposed development?
The allocated car parking for the homes has been provided in accordance with Council’s parking standards. In addition, visitor parking will be allocated across the site. The planning application will be accompanied by a Transport Assessment, detailing parking provision.

Why is the main road into the development almost opposite the road into Waller Close?
Detailed technical work has been carried out, in consultation with the County Highway Authority to ascertain the best location for the proposed new junction. The location of the new junction will be based on the optimum highway solution, considering health and safety, the site constraints and opportunities including levels and existing trees and vegetation.

Will there be any other vehicular access to the development?
The draft layout illustrates three proposed vehicular access points, two off Woodcote Drive and one from Woodcote Lane. The planning application will provide detail of all proposed vehicular accesses.

How will Woodcote Lane be managed during the building work?
As part of the planning application, or subsequent details required by a planning condition, a Construction Traffic Management Plan will be prepared to clarify how the construction process will be managed. This will include construction access and processes to manage construction traffic and vehicular traffic within the vicinity of the site, during the construction process.

What are the plans for managing the increase of traffic on both Woodcote Drive and Woodcote Lane?
The planning application will be accompanied by a Transport Assessment which will provide detail in relation to the management of traffic, resulting from the development. This will include impacts on existing junctions, routes and waiting times.

Are there any plans for managing traffic at the junction with Anchor Inn?
The planning application will be accompanied by a Transport Assessment which will provide detail in relation to the management of traffic, resulting from the development. This will include impacts on existing junctions, routes and waiting times. Pre-application discussions have been had with County Highways and options to address the impacts on the Woodcote Lane/ Warwick Rd junction will be outlined, within the planning application.

Is there a maximum housing number in mind?
The current draft layout is for 83 homes. The site allocation for the whole of the Police HQ site is 115 homes.

When do you think the site will be completed?
The construction timeframe for any approved development would depend on the timeframe of the planning application. However, the whole construction timeframe for a development of the nature of the draft proposal would be approximately 2-3 years.

What discussions have you had with highways regarding the junction with the Woodcote lane and the main road by the Anchor pub?
CALA Homes has had two formal pre-application meetings with County Highways and discussions are ongoing.

Who is the architect?
Drawings are being prepared by CALA Homes and Pegasus Group.

As Woodcote Drive is private who will pay for works to it and ongoing maintenance?
New homes accessed off Woodcote Drive will have access rights over Woodcote Drive, similar to the existing dwellings on the road. The responsibility of maintenance of the road will remain that of the landowner.

How large of an area was the original HQ site for the new 115 homes vs the new area for your 85 homes please?
We are not privy to the original site area of the Police HQ land as it was not made public as part of allocation DS22 in the Warwick Local Plan. As such we are unable to compare.

What has been agreed with the Police HQ regarding access and maintenance of the surrounding woodland please?
The vast majority of the surrounding Woodland will remain in Police ownership and as such remain their maintenance obligation.

Will Woodcote Drive be widened for access and the iron gates – will they be removed or widened?
Woodcote Drive falls outside of the red line boundary and no works are proposed to the road as part of the draft planning application.

How will broadband connectivity be established, and will this development reduce bandwidth, or will investments be made to migrate to high-speed fibre?
The current issues experienced by some existing residents has been acknowledged. The planning application will be supported by a connectivity statement outlining how suitable broadband access will be provided as part of the planning application.

How will you protect the diverse wildlife and greenery/vegetation?
The draft layout has been designed to retain existing significant vegetation and trees. The planning application will also be supported by a Phase 1 & 2 ecology study, identifying, and clarifying how existing wildlife will be protected and enhanced. The development will also seek to obtain at least 10% biodiversity net gain across the site.

It is thought you will need to lay new sewage and drainage pipes – are you expecting to have to access existing property land to achieve this?
Noted. All works will be carried out on the subject site or on neighbouring public land, in accordance with statutory provisions.

How is this development in keeping with the rest of the village?
The proposed development will be designed in accordance with local and National planning policies. This includes site specific policy DS22 as well as detailed design policies contained in the Warwick Local Plan and the Leek Wootton and Guys Cliffe Neighbourhood Plan, as well as national polices seeking to make the most efficient use of land.

Will Cala be putting money into the school to support the additional number of places required?
Any planning approval will be subject to a s106 legal agreement which will secure developer contributions towards local services and facilities including, but not limited to education, health, highway improvements and local play facilities.

Could we have a more specific answer on how much will be contributed?
The contributions due will be subject to discussions with the County and District Councils. The amounts are generally calculated based on Council’s occupancy implications.

Will the development have its own children’s play area?
The delivery of a play area on the site will be subject to discussions with Warwick District Council and their intentions for the wider play area provision strategy.

Will you run further sessions like this as the development progresses?
Two public Q&A sessions were run during the consultation period. If you have a specific question, please email feedback@consultation-online.co.uk.

You have a site at Burton Green – is it appropriate to view this to see what the street scene, housing type & density will be at Leek Wootton?
CALA Homes develops each site specifically to the character and context of the individual location. The character of the layout, street scene, design and materials will take cues from the attractive character of Leek Wootton.

Will there be footpath access from the site onto the golf course public footpath network?
No public right of way currently exists through the site. In addition, the golf course remains private land, so no direct pedestrian link is proposed on the golf course.

Will the housing be ‘zero-carbon’ or how sustainable will they be?
CALA has sustainability initiatives at the forefront of our agenda and are looking to meet or exceed current government initiatives for housebuilders. Whilst it is unlikely that the development would achieve ‘zero carbon’, we are looking to comply with prevailing targets.

Are there plans for a new pub or a newsagents or fish and chip shop in the future?
The site allocation is for residential development and there will not be any commercial development within the proposed scheme.

How does the density compare with the development in Burton Green?
Burton Green is based upon 32 dwellings per hectare. Policy for Leek Wootton is to achieve a minimum of 30 dwellings per hectare so it is likely there would be consistency between the sites.

What measures will be taken to restrict HGV building traffic on Woodcote Lane and prevent potential damage to a listed building?
As part of the planning application, or subsequent details required by a planning condition, a Construction Traffic Management Plan will be prepared to clarify how the construction process will be managed. This will include permitted construction traffic routes during the construction process.

Will a new traffic flow system be instituted after or during construction to reduce likely congestion, increased pollution, and danger to pedestrians/schoolchildren?
All potential traffic management solutions are being considered as part of the Transport Assessment. Full details will form part of the planning application and are subject to agreement by County Highways.

The presence of new properties of this number, and of ‘affordable housing’, will likely increase school numbers for (a) primary school, (b) school bus to KHS. Will the project be able to offer financial help to the primary school for extra room? The school bus is under pressure of being cut: can the project make a case for keeping it?
Any planning approval will be subject to a s106 legal agreement which will secure developer contributions towards local services and facilities including, but not limited to education, health, highway improvements and local play facilities.

Has Warwickshire Wildlife Trust been consulted on the ecology of the woodland opposite?
Not at this stage however, the planning application is likely to be referred to them as part of Council’s public consultation for the planning application.

Could you get onside with turning the woodland opposite to a nature reserve?
As part of the planning application, opportunities to protect and enhance the existing woodland to the north of the ‘Paddock area’ is being considered and will be detailed as part of the planning application.

In addition to the Community Infrastructure Levy, are there any current plans to make any Section 106 contributions to community facilities within Leek Wootton?
Any planning approval will be subject to a s106 legal agreement which will secure developer contributions towards local services and facilities including, but not limited to education, health, highway improvements and local play facilities.

Please could you talk through the open spaces in the proposal. Could you potentially include a play area within the scheme?
The provision of a play area will be subject to discussions with council as part of the planning application process.

Can you explore with WCC to extend the 30mph zone entrance to the village westwards along Woodcote Lane?
This will be considered as part of the planning application and could be the subject of a Traffic Regulation Order. This will be determined in conjunction with County Highways.

When will the Masterplan be presented?
The draft masterplan is visible on the website.

Can you provide construction program dates?
These dates for constructions are to be confirmed once we receive planning approval.

The pumping station, and existing sub-station are not shown.
These are being taken account of in the layout and will be shown on relevant layout plans.

Can you share more details of the design of the proposed houses?
The details of the proposed façade treatment will be provided as part of the full planning application.

What landscaping is envisaged on-site?
Existing significant trees and landscaping will be enhanced, and additional landscaping proposed to complement the layout. Details will be provided as part of the planning application.

Can you share list of planning and conservation documents Cala is working to?
At this moment in time, a Heritage and Archaeological statement are being prepared to support the planning application.

You show houses backing onto Woodcote Lane. This will result in close boarded fences facing the road which will look terrible. The houses need to front onto Woodcote Lane as the houses on the opposite side of the road.
The location and orientation of dwellings has considered the existing site constraints, There are quite significant levels differences between the site and Woodcote Lane which make it undesirable to locate properties fronting Woodcote Lane. In addition, a significant strip of existing trees and landscaping existing along this boundary. The proposed layout will ensure the retention of these, which will in turn act to shield the rear fences from along Woodcote Lane.